2022 African Fashion Show - Perth

Venue: Vasto club, Balcatta

Date: 17th Sept 2022

Time: 6 – 10pm

At D’Beautifiers, we are excited to, once again, bring the African Fashion Show to the beautiful city of Perth with the full aim of deepening the fashion narrative in Australia and beyond with African creations.

In its 5th season, the African Fashion Show epitomizes the latest trends in style, colour, and designs coming from the motherland – Africa.

At this year’s show, we will be presenting the works of Western Australia based fashion designers of African descent. This will be in the array of beautiful fabrics that have been carefully sketched and stitched to bring out their unique colours and amazing fit curated specially for you.

The show provides an unparalleled opportunity for attendees and designers to network and project to Australia and the wider world the development in fashion from the African context.

From Cape to Cairo, Mombasa to Dakar, you will be spoiled with varieties in functional designs, there is something to look out for and learn concerning the people and fashion of Africa. Our beautiful models will be adorned in these lovely fabrics, complemented by the necessary accessories that make unique statements for anyone, wherever they go.

There will be live entertainment and 10% of the revenue from ticket sales shall be donated to a charity as we have usually done.

This magazine and the African Fashion Show presented on its glossy pages are the output of endless days of work, made possible by the support and encouragement received from many. 

I am humbled by the assistance and at the rare moments when the burden of the responsibility weighs us down, it is this fortitude that rekindles the fire and gets us going.

This edition builds upon the work in our first edition that was launched last year. In this edition, we present in pictures the collections exhibited in the 2021 African Fashion Show. Through the pictures of our attendees, our readers can understand what the current African fashion trends are.

The African Fashion Show - Perth 2021

Event Pictures & Videos

Thank You

The 2021 African Fashion Show has come and gone and we want to express our thanks to all those that contributed to making the event a huge success. 

You are the reason for this success and your feedbacks and encouragements have continued to be the source of our motivation, to deliver unparalleled experience in African fashion.

On behalf of the great team of the African Fashion Shows, I want to express my sincere appreciation to all. It was an evening to remember, one that affirms the truth that when we stand together, we win together.

Please feel free to send your comments to us, we are always excited to hear from you. 

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